Self Assessment Tax Return Services

Usually HMRC will inform you with a ‘notice to file’ in the post if you’re required to send an SA100. You also have to register with HMRC for Self Assessment and notify them of your new tax liability by 5th October following the end of the tax year in which the income or gains first began, otherwise penalties may be applicable.

How do you complete a Self Assessment Tax Return?

If you’re new to Self Assessment, you’ll need to keep records (for example bank statements or receipts) so you can fill in your tax return correctly. This is because HMRC requires a huge amount of personal financial information in order to process your assessment.

Learn more about completing your first self-assessment here.

Register for self assessment

First of all, you need to register for Self Assessment at GOV.UK. You’ll then be sent your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR), one of the many pieces of information you’ll need to complete the process. Other data includes your National Insurance Number, P60 or other records showing how much income you received that you’ve already paid tax on, records of any expenses relating to self-employment – the list goes on.

Therefore, it’s unsurprising that a Self Assessment tax return can feel very daunting for many. If you feel overwhelmed and are not sure where to start, reach out to a professional accountants to guide you through the process.

Why choose Sandwell Accountancy Services to help with your self assessment?

Here at Sandwell Accountancy Service, located in Birmimgham, we make submitting Self Assessment Tax Returns a breeze for small business owners and anyone who finds themselves having to complete one. We have been operating for just under half a century, and over those 40+ years we have built a reputation as one of the West Midlands’ premier accounting firms due to the reliable and professional nature of our service.

Come in, meet one of our trusted accountants and break down your Self Assessment Tax Return, covering every legality and complication that you otherwise would be stumped on.

Our family-run business takes great pride in providing you with personalised service and we are always happy to visit our clients outside of normal office hours.

Contact Sandwell Accountancy Services Today

Get in touch with us now, and we’ll get right back to you! View our other accountancy services, including book keeping, financial planning & business startups, payroll and VAT Returns. You can always call us if you need to speak to one of our expert team members on 01384 569197.

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